Saturday, 15 January 2011

Evaluation - 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
 The character on the left is the main character from my own opening sequence and on the right is a similar character from the movie 'Hitman'. My character shares some distinct characteristics with the main character in  'Hitman' however there are also many differences too. The main similarities lies in the character's wardrobe.A black suit, perfectly tailored trousers, black expensive leather gloves and  an immaculate red tie covers the well built frame of my character. I deliberately avoided dressing him in a traditional white shirt as I felt that the black shirt was more suited for an organized and deadly character. The black shirt would symbolize his dark intentions and was more suited to portray a more psychopathic  and a sociopath type of personality. The character from 'Hitman' named Agent 47 is dependent on orders and works solely on instructions while  the main character from 'The Last Hit'  is a 'solo' in every sense of the word. Every bit of preparation, planning and research is done by himself . I wanted to emphasize this difference as it is a significant factor that contributes to the uniqueness of my   opening sequence.  
I have also looked at making my character totally expressionless to compliment the kind of work he has to do.The target audience comprising of young men and women who are technologically advanced  and belong to the elite class of movie goers ,will find my character intriguing and mesmerising. My character will attract an audience group who feed on advanced and organsized thrillers with interesting gadgets. The dark colours will also lend this character a feeling that there are aspects of his character that are hidden and the audience will wonder if they will ever find out everything about him. This will also persuade the audience to watch the rest of the movie.

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